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콩 신품종 이용촉진사업 (유홍섭 2011) By 문갑순 / 2018-07-22 PM 06:22 / 조회 : 233회

콩 신품종 이용촉진사업

Seed Multiplication and Dissemination of New Soybean Cultivar in the central provinces


사업명 : FTA대응경쟁력향상기술개발

주관연구기관 : 국립식량과학원

연구책임자 : 유홍섭

발행년월 : 2011-02

주관부처 : 농촌진흥청





This study was conducted to multiply and disseminate the seeds of new soybean varieties for the three years of 2008-2010 in the central province.

The soybean cultivars to be multiplied for early dissemination at the farm fields are Daepung-kong, Sunyu-kong, mansu-kong, cheonsang-kong and Huekmi-kong, and so on. In 2008, the amount of which 4 new cultivars including Daepung-kong were multiplied was 1,795 kg and the cultivated area was 39.5 ha, and 1,820kg of four varieties including Sunyu-kong, and 39.5 ha in 2009, and 1,350kg of six varieties including Cheonsang-kong, and 27.5 ha in 2010 for local distribution, respectively. So a total of 4,975kg seeds of 6 new cultivars was produced, and the area grown was 99.8 ha during the period.


국립종자원에서 국가보급종으로 종자를 생산하여 보급되지 않은 신육성 우량품종이나 검은 콩, 약콩 등 특수콩과 같이 조기보급이 필요한 품종과 농가의 선호도가 높아 분양요구가 많은 품종을 증식하여 조기에 보급하였다